Man-to-Man Project


The Man-to-Man project is a research project I’m running to explore the relationship men have with other men. It’s kicking off over the next few weeks, and will be something I’ll be running alongside (and in support) of the programmes I offer in support of mens’ self-realisation; empowerment; and personal and spiritual growth.

The project is conducted in a spirit of curiosity: a guiding principle of the Mens work I am engaged with in partnership with Rebel Wisdom; and my work as a one-to-one coach with private clients. This spirit informs the questions I will be asking, and the invitation I make for men to reflect without judgment on themselves and their relationship with other men.

What is the project?

I am inviting men to answer a few questions about their relationships with other men, through an online questionaire, followed up with a brief conversation to discuss mens responses. I’ll be using this research is to obtain a greater understanding of the relationship men have with other men, in order to develop content to support them in their personal enquiry, growth and self-realisation. It may also lead somewhere else entirely.

Why am I doing this?

Men today are faced with many challenges. Traditional roles and responsibilities, ways of living, working and simply ‘Being’ as a Man are in question. We are bombarded with confusing messages about what ‘masculinity’ is about. We are often isolated, and starved of role models of authentic, empowered masculinity and manhood. The relationship men have with men occurs as an untapped area of exploration – an area which I believe offers significant potential support to men in finding their place in the world.

After engaging in Mens Work for over 15 years, and having participated in and co-facilitated numerous Mens groups and workshops, I’ve observed that Men’s relationship with other Men (and their access to emotional vulnerability) is often hampered. This is true in their work lives, life in general, and often in their family and close male friendships.

Yet in Mens' circles and workshops, given the invitation to be with other men In truth, vulnerability and healthy challenge, it’s astounding how quickly we enter a space of authentic brotherhood, and offer each other unconditional love and support. Workshops are generally designed to encourage this, but it suggests that this is a quality which is inherent in our nature, given the invitation to connect with it.

What is the objective of the project?

The invitation which is central to the project is for men to reflect on their relationship with other men, and what impact this may be having on their lives. The goal is to bring awareness to what are likely to be unconscious patterns and behaviours – which could potentially lead to greater self-awareness, and potentially a positive transformation in these relationships.

The wider objective of the project is to empower men to connect with themselves, and with other men. To access greater self acceptance, self-realisation and to access greater authenticity, connection, support and freedom in their lives. And, to gain access to an unconditional brotherly love and support which (I believe) is inherent in every man’s nature.

Who will I speak to?

The project will be open to any men interested in taking part. Clearly, it will be focussed on Men that are curious about their relationship with other men, and interested in exploring this. They are likely to be interested in personal growth and self development, with a desire to embody who they are as a Man. I’ll be contacting people at all stages on the journey of self-discovery, which includes those already on the path of exploration through participation and/or facilitation in Mens work, and those who are new to the field.

Would you like to take part?

If you would like to get involved, please take a moment to answer a few questions about your relationship with other men, through this online questionaire. Your responses will be received in confidence, and treated respectfully. I ask for permission to use your responses (anonymously) to support the development of training material. I will then follow up with a brief conversation, to discuss your responses.


Please pass it on

I invite you to pass this article or the online form on to your male friends and colleagues. The Man to Man project will have greater impact, the more men that are involved in the conversation. Thank you in advance for your support!

Kevin HelasComment